Twitter Direct Messages
In order to deploy your bot to Twitter Messenger, you will need to follow a few steps described below.
Activate Direct Messages
In Twitter, Direct Messages can be opened to everybody or only to trusted people.
In order to add a chatbot to your Twitter account, please check that the following Message
button is active for all Twitter users.
Here is a useful link explaining Twitter DM => https://help.twitter.com/fr/using-twitter/direct-messages
Or go to your account settings and follow the steps below

Once you have activated direct messages in your twitter account, you should see the DM button, this means that anyone in Twitter is now able to have private conversations with you

Please check that the option below is activated before proceeding to the next steps.

to your Twitter developer account
Here is the url to the Twitter developer portal: Link

Use the right Twitter account
Obviously, all the steps below can only work if the twitter account used to create the app is the one you want to connect to Twitter (eg you should use @Enterprise_Inc in the developer process and not your personnal Twitter account.
In this case we should create the app with the @WWF_Climat account
Account Validation
You will probably have to go through an application process to get add the developer account privileges to your Twitter account. After completion, your application can take a day or two to be officially validated by the Twitter team.
Below it the prompt you will see if your Twitter account is not a developer account yet.
Answer the questions.
Accept the Developer Agreement & Policy
You will soon be notified by the Twitter team of your application status, it takes usually 1 or 2 working days.
Connect your bot to your Twitter app
Once you are connected to the developer portal,
click on the Apps
menu and click on the Details
Click on the Keys and tokens
tab to get the useful information to make the connection between your twitter app and your Smartly.ai chatbot.

Make sure that the access permissions are set to Read, write and Direct Messages
Then go to Smartly.ai and click on the Twitter integration.

Here is the Twitter integration form to complete the connection.
Then copy and paste the information from your Twitter app to the Twitter integration of Smartly.ai as shown below

For the last field, go to the Dev environment page

Give a name to your dev env and select the desired app
Then you will find the Dev environement label
in the Account Activity API / Sandbox
Once all the fields are in the integration window, click on the Launch
From there your bot is ready to answer your users!
To access your bot via Direct Message, head to the Twitter page and click on the DM button shown below.

then you will have the welcome message and the start button previously set.

Then the converesation starts and the bot can answer your users

Updated 2 months ago