April 2021
- Smartly.AI :
April, 8th
- Virtual Agent :
April, 8th
Added: Accounts are blocked after 3 failed connection attempts. This is meant to avoid brut force attacks.
To unlock your account; wait for at least 10 minutes and retry to login or reset the password.
Added: Activity logs view
Improved: Many new events added to the activity log
Added: Ability to customize the webchat button icon
Improved: The bots are now ranked alphabetically in the bot filter
- Smartly.AI :
April, 21th
- Virtual Agent :
April, 21th
Node.js packages
Added: JSForce package allowing deeper integrations with Salesforce CRM
Welcome messages are now free 🎉
From now on, you will only pay for the following interactions:
- incoming text messages
- incoming voice messages
- quick replies clics
You can check the interactions consumed in the Analytics > Interactions sections of the product.
Fixed: We fixed an issue where Snips NLU was failing to train some bots having the character [
in their datasets.
Added: Lock screen on the backoffice after 10 minutes of inactivity
Activity logs
Improved: Added more events and more details in the logs
Full description of the Activity log system available here.