November 2019
2.13.1 - 19th November 2019
Added: New languages for the interface!
You can now build bots with Interface in English, French or German
Fixed: An issue with the "Approve" button in the Inbox
Improved: The train button is now always showing in the Builder module
2.13.0 - 14th November 2019
Added: Better NLU performances thanks to the addition of a deterministic intent classifier
This feature is in beta, if you want to try it, go to your bot settings and select Rule based + Probabilistic
Fixed: The Any
system entity to capture any text
2.12.2 - 8th November 2019
Fixed: An issue with the training from the datasets module
Fixed: An issue while deleting intents from the datasets module
Fixed: Broken image link on training modal
Improved: Better design for quick replies
2.12.1 - 4th November 2019
Added: Management of contextual Q&As
Added: We added Jsrender to the list of available Node.js packages
Fixed: Welcome Message is now showing when the Open on load?
setting is turned on
Improved: Better management of the case where the user try to push a Q&A file in the Intents module