May 2020
over 4 years ago by Hicham TAHIRI
2.13.14 - 11th May 2020
Major changes
- Added: {Datasets/Q&A} Ability to create a Q&A
- Added: {Datasets/Q&A} Ability to edit a single Q&A
- Added: {Datasets/Q&A} Ability to delete a single Q&A
- Improved: {Datasets/Q&A} Better management of Q&As with HTML
Minor changes
- Added: {Devops} Added centralized logs + Kibana for a better monitoring of the solution
- Improved: {Status page} We added more details in our SLA monitoring page.
Each service is now monitored invidually, you can find the new SLA page here. - Added: {Webchat controls}: You can now add a param to the
More info here - Improved: {Webchat} Improved wechat design
2.13.15 - 13th May 2020
Minor changes
- Improved: {Q&A} In case of a file import over existing Q&As, prompt user with two options 1\ keep existing files or 2\ update from scratch
- Improved: {Webchat} On click event to images will open them into a new tab
- Improved: {Webchat} Ability to customize the "Localize me" button title
- Fixed: {My bots} An issue occuring some times on bot deletion
2.13.16 - 27th May 2020
Major change
- Added Rich Messages management in Ring Central Digital Engage integration
- Improved: Multlanguage management
Minor changes
- Improved: Conversation module performance
- Added: Audio file support in the Conversation module (API doc coming soon)
- Added: Multilangual support via the API channel
- Removed: Masterbot algorithm setting